Can daytime sleep lead to depression?

The Connection Between Oversleeping (daytime sleep) and Depression

We, humans, need 7-8 hours of sleep in a cycle of 24 hours. Infants and teenagers require more sleep, but as we get older, we tend to need less sleep.

But if an adult is sleeping for more than 9 hours every day in a 24 hours cycle, then it can be termed oversleeping.

Sleeping a few extra hours after a stressful week, or after doing exhausting physical activity is normal. But if it is a regular occurrence then oversleeping can cause a variety of problems for you.

Oversleeping can make you feel lethargic when you are awake, it can also impact your work or your routine.

Not many people know that oversleeping can also be a sign of depression. Let’s learn more about oversleeping as a sign of depression. Sometimes doctor also prescribe Artvigl 150 for oversleeping.

What exactly is Depression?

Depression is a serious mental disorder, and it has a negative impact on almost all areas of your life. Most people who suffer from this disorder feel extremely sad and lack interest in activities that they enjoyed previously.

Other than these symptoms, changes in appetite, excessive sleeping or trouble sleeping, loss or gain of weight without any other cause, and thoughts of worthlessness and self-harm are also experienced by people suffering from this condition.

Each person has a different set of symptoms, and if you or anyone you know is having thoughts of self-harm or showing signs of self-harm then get expert medical help immediately.

Some Come Causes of Depression:

Depression is a condition that can affect anyone, at any age. Many people are under the impression that rich people or people with so-called ideal living conditions cannot suffer from depression. But these are outdated ideas bearing no resemblance to reality.

Let’s explore some common causes of depression:

Imbalance in Biochemistry:

Depression can be caused due to imbalance of different neurotransmitters in the brain which inhibits a person’s ability to experience joy and happiness.

Personality Disorders:

People who lack confidence, suffer from an inferiority complex, or even suffer from low-self worth are more likely to suffer from depression as compared to people who have a healthy self-image.

Genetic Disorder:

Depression can also be caused due to genetic reasons, if your family has a history of mental health disorders such as depression, then it is very likely for you to suffer from this condition as well.

Life-Changing Events:

Job changes, loss of a loved one, failing an exam or being unable to meet the expectations of others can also cause depression in people. It is quite common for people who enjoy the limelight to suffer from depression when they are not at the centre of attention.

Abuse or Neglect in Relationships:

Being abused as a child, or verbal, physical or sexual abuse in any kind of relationship can also be a cause of depression along with other mental health disorders such as anxiety and trauma.

What Links Oversleeping and Depression?

A person who is suffering from depression, especially atypical depression has a high chance of suffering from sleep-related issues, one of which can be oversleeping.

People with depression feel more tired and are exhausted even if all they do is go about their daily routine, which can make them sleep more.

People who sleep more often tend to struggle in maintaining proper balance in their life as most of their time is spent sleeping.

This can further make people feel more depressed as they may often choose to stay in bed even when they are awake due to feeling out of control of their life or routine.

Oversleeping along with depression can affect a person’s work performance, their grades at school and even the quality of their relationships and their self-worth.

Different Treatment of Depression:

There are many different treatments for Depression and these treatments are only done under the supervision of experts in the field of medical science.

Promoting behavioural changes through counselling, talk therapy and other coping strategies are integral parts of these treatments. There are also medications offered to help in dealing with the symptoms of depression.

Walkert 150 is a brand of Armodafinil that is often prescribed for the treatment of depression when oversleeping is a symptom of depression.

How to Cope with Daytime Sleepiness?

Oversleeping comes during daytime sleepiness for many because many people who oversleep, tend to sleep during the day or at least feel drowsy or sluggish as a result of oversleeping.

Changing sleeping habits by going to bed and waking up at regular time intervals, getting adequate sunlight during the day and ensuring to sleep in a dark room are some strategies to prevent daytime sleepiness.

If the symptoms of your daytime sleepiness are severe, doctors may prescribe you medications such as Waklert 150  and Artvigil 150. These pills increase the wakefulness in a person as they have wakefulness-promoting properties.

How to Cope with Depression on your Own?

If you suffer from depression, then it is best to follow the guidance of a medical health expert as it speed-boost your recovery from this condition.

But even as an individual you can take certain steps to deal with depression. Many people take up journaling or writing gratitude journals to recognize the good things that happen in their lives.

Adding more physical activities to your daily routine such as walking, running or dancing is also a sure-fire way to increase the feel-good hormones in the body which can improve your mood.

There are practices such as mindfulness and mediation which are helpful in making a person feel calmer and recognize the beauty that is present in their lives.

Along with all these strategies, make sure that you follow up with the recommendations of your doctor. Take your pills on time, and if you are looking for an affordable way to purchase the pills for your treatment, check out Pillspalace as soon as you can.

If anytime you feel that your emotions are hard to control, seek help. Talk to your partner about it, or write down your feelings before taking any step ahead.  Stay in touch with your doctor if you have feelings of self-harm or violence.

Categories: Sleep Disorder