Can Modalert Help in Sleep Apnea?

A Brief Introduction to Sleep Apnea:

Sleep Apnea is classified as a sleep disorder because it involves multiple break or pauses in breathing or shallow breathing while a person is asleep.

Many of us experience shallow breathing during our sleeping period, but people suffering from sleep apnea go through pauses in breathing on a regular basis. This may be followed by loud periods of snoring, or choking or snorting sounds as breathing restarts.

Some people often wake up gasping for breath, which can disturb their sleep cycle and make them wake up multiple times at night. But nowadays medications like Modalert 200, Modafresh 200, Modvigil 200 etc. help to treat Sleep Apnea.

People suffering from this condition often experience excessive daytime sleepiness due to a lack of adequate sleep at night. Adults suffering from this condition often find that they do not perform well at work due to the effects of this condition. Children suffering from this condition also suffer from the consequences of poor sleep which can make them underperform in their activities or make them hyperactive for a short span of time.

Sleep Apnea and its Three Main Types:

There are three main types of sleep apnea, and they are classified as stated below:

  • Central sleep apnea
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Complex sleep apnea

Central Sleep Apnea:

Central sleep apnea restricts a person’s breathing at night, and the cause of this type of sleep apnea is neurological. Most people who suffer from this type of sleep apnea do not have symptoms, but if you are suffering from insomnia or excessive daytime sleepiness, then there may be a possibility that it is caused due to central sleep apnea.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea:

Most cases of sleep apnea across the world are Obstructive sleep apnea. It occurs due to obstruction in the mouth and throat which makes breathing difficult while a person is asleep.

This can cause snoring, which is why it is easier to identify and seek treatment. Constant headache can indicate this type of sleep apnea if it occurs with loud snoring during your sleep.

Complex Sleep Apnea:

A person suffering from complex sleep apnea has obstructive sleep apnea as well as central sleep apnea.

The symptoms of this condition are more similar to that of obstructive sleep apnea s compared to central sleep apnea.

Common Signs of Sleep Apnea:

  • Insomnia
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Waking up with a dry mouth
  • Feeling panicked after waking up
  • Snoring
  • Sluggishness
  • Headaches
  • Waking up frequently at night
  • Gasping for breath at night during sleep
  • Excessive tiredness

These are some symptoms of different types of sleep apnea, but every person may have only a few of these symptoms.

Treatment and Relief from the Effects of Sleep Apnea:

Once your doctor identifies the type of your apnea, they will recommend treatments based on the type and severity of your condition.

There are some cases of sleep apnea that only need some lifestyle changes such as losing excess weight and giving up smoking. Sometimes sleep apnea may be a result of nasal allergies, and treating these allergies will treat sleep apnea.

 Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) device assists by supplying air to a sleeping person and is quite effective in reducing the symptoms of this sleeping disorder. But the idea of wearing a device mask during sleep often makes people seek more relaxing treatments.

Devices such as auto-CPAP and BPAP units will also help in the treatment, along with other oral appliances which are recommended by your doctor. There are different types of treatments a person can try, and if you discuss your symptoms with your doctor, they will be able to give you specific advice regarding your condition.

Modalert: Does this brand of Modafinil Gives Relief from Sleep Apnea?

Modalert is an oral medicine manufactured by Sun Pharma, and it is a popular generic brand for Modafinil. Provigil is a well-known brand of Modafinil.

The most prominent use of this drug is as a medicine for people who suffer from excessive sleepiness due to its ability to promote wakefulness.

There are a number of conditions that have constant sleepiness, or daytime sleepiness as a symptom, some of the common ones are Shift Work Sleep Disorder and Narcolepsy.

The Use of Modalert for the Treatment of Sleep Apnea:

Modalert is a medication, a brand of Modafinil, and it can be used for the treatment of Sleep Apnea. But this medication does not treat the primary disorder but rather treats its symptoms which include daytime sleepiness, sluggishness and fatigue. Often a person suffering from sleep apnea faces a lot of issues due to daytime sleepiness, and doses of Modafinil such as Modalert 200 and Modvigil 200 are prescribed to them to keep them alert and awake during the day.

A person using Modalert will be able to experience increased alertness during the day in spite of suffering from any type of sleep apnea. You can check out other brands of modafinil along with Modalert at for great deals.

What Makes a Person More Susceptible to the Risk of Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea is a condition that can affect adults as well as children, but certain aspects can put a person at a higher risk of suffering from this condition.

People who are overweight, have a smoking habit, drink alcohol or have poor sleep hygiene are more likely to suffer from this condition.

It can also be a condition that is common in biological families, and men are often at a higher risk of this sleep disorder as compared to women.

Certain diseases with no known cure, such as Asthma and Type 2 Diabetes, are also associated with a higher risk of Sleep Apnea.

Sleep Apnea may not be a life-threatening condition, but it can affect the quality of your daily life thus if you have symptoms of this sleep disorder, it is best to seek some kind of treatment for long-term benefits.

Categories: Sleep Disorder