Does Nicotine Lower Sex Drive?

About 15 percent of men use cigarettes. Smoking cigarettes is most prevalent among males between 25 to 64. According to the most recent Gallup survey, nine percent of the adults who were surveyed smoked cigarettes to get their nicotine fix at least on occasion. Nearly 16 million Americans suffer from a smoking-related disease. Smoking cigarettes is a significant risk cause for ED regardless of age you are.

The erection can be caused by an increase in blood flow to the penis after sexual stimulation. The blood is trapped in spongy spaces known as the corpus cavernosa within the penis shaft. When blood gets into the corpus cavernosa, the pressure inside the penis increases, resulting in a sexual erection.

Does Nicotine lower sex drive? Nicotine is among the chemicals found in cigarettes and is a vasoconstrictor responsible for restricting blood flow. The decreased flow of blood into the penis triggers the condition known as ED.

Diabetes high blood pressure, diabetes, and elevated cholesterol levels affect the blood vessels. All of these risk factors increase the chance of ED and cardiovascular disease which could lead to heart attacks and strokes.

While smoking cigarettes is a significant threat factor to ED, however, other factors in your lifestyle like fitness and diet could affect how often you’ll suffer from ED.

Can Nicotine Cause ED?

Nicotine is an extremely addicting stimulant that is naturally present in tobacco. It’s the ingredient that creates euphoria as well as pleasure when taken in as a vape or smoked. However, it’s also the reason smoking cigarettes or vaping is so addictive.

Alongside the numerous health issues, including cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological issues that smoking or smoking tobacco products may cause, they may be contributing factors to erectile dysfunction. It is thought that smoking cigarettes cause issues with the blood lining the penis’s vessels.

This problem, referred to as endothelial disorder is due to a decrease in nitric oxide levels and other imbalances within the body, which can cause an increase in oxidative tension.

In order to get an erection, vessels that carry blood to the smooth muscles and spongy tissues of the penis need to be opened and allow blood to flow through. This blood gets trapped within the tissues of the penis.

Nitric acid triggers the penis’ muscles to relax, which allows blood flow to enter and out, while also helping to form a seal that keeps the erection.

It All Depends on the Dose

The effects of many compounds are “dose-dependent,” meaning the greater the quantity consumed the more powerful the effects. Nicotine isn’t an exception. Research has shown that health issues that are caused by smoking and vaping, such as heart disease, as well as erectile dysfunction, are more prevalent in heavy users. The amount you smoke will affect how much or how serious a condition you suffer in relation to any health issue that is a result of smoking.


A frequent cause of preventable deaths, cigarette smoking is responsible for nearly fifty million deaths per calendar year within the United States alone. The cause of this is the negative health effects of smoking cigarettes and nicotine itself, as well as the adverse effects of the many other chemicals present in a single cigarette.


The use of vapor is the 2nd most commonly used method to consume nicotine. One study showed more than 2.3 percent of smokers across the United States chose this method.

A similar study revealed that 23.1 percent of users who use electronic cigarettes have never used tobacco and that the majority of them were less than 35. The young age of a lot of users is worrying due to the fact that nicotine is highly addictive and may negatively impact the development of the brain, which can last until the age of 25.

Vaping is the process of the use of an electronic cigarette which produces vapor from liquid nicotine and then inhales the vapor. Although many believe that vaping was a safe method to inhale nicotine, more recent research has revealed a number of risky aspects.


Cigars have been portrayed as having an image of being the more elegant safer variant of cigarettes, however, it’s not the case. They are more hefty and unfiltered, with more nicotine-rich cigarettes that nearly four percent of American smokers choose to smoke.

How to Maintain an Erection

There are numerous ways you can increase your sexual performance as well as the strength of your protracted erection. First, you must not worry about it. It’s much more complicated than it is however stress can play a huge role in the development of erection issues.

You might want to talk to your spouse or therapy professional, take part in a relaxing exercise prior to, or use other methods to manage stress or use Fildena 100 purple pills if getting difficulty maintaining an erection.

Other factors that can enhance your erection include:

  • Avoiding food that is fatty or fried.
  • The reduction of your waist circumference
  • Getting regular exercise
  • Concentrating on strengthening the pelvic floor
  • Reducing stress
  • Engaging your partner
  • Stay clear of alcohol and other drugs.
  • Quitting smoking

Fildena double 200 pills are among the most effective solution for your ED problem and you can buy them from Pillspalace pharmacy.

Tips for Quitting

It’s not a good idea to go cold turkey for everyone, however, there are plenty of new programs and products that are designed to help you get rid of smoking for good.

Speak to your physician about medicines and buy online at and nicotine substitute treatments. There is also assistance through apps and groups or online tools that could aid you in quitting.

Other factors that could help you quit smoking include:

  • Be aware of your triggers
  • Utilizing all the tools that are available
  • Celebration of your milestones
  • Asking for help
  • You can change how you live and the habits that surround it
  • Find ways to stop cravings

Insatiable cravings are among the most difficult aspects of quitting smoking cigarettes. Many people find relief from things that keep their mouths and hands active, such as fidget tools or chewing gum.

Categories: Mens issues