How Does Diabetes Affect your Erectile Dysfunction?

When it comes to diabetic problems, erectile dysfunction (ED) has been mostly ignored lately. Historically, both doctors and patients have assumed that a decline in sexual function is a natural part of becoming older or the result of psychological issues. This misunderstanding, along with men’s inherent unwillingness to talk about their sexual concerns and doctors’ inexperience and discomfort with sexual topics, contributed to the inability to openly treat this problem for the vast majority of patients who were having it.

Thanks to advances in our understanding of male sexual function and the proliferation of experimental therapies for impotence, erectile dysfunction (ED) is now recognized as a serious and prevalent consequence of diabetes. It has been estimated that the prevalence of ED among males with diabetes is between 35% to 75%, compared to 26% in the general population. Also, males with diabetes experience the start of ED 10 to 15 years sooner than their sex-matched counterparts without diabetes.

The normal erectile function requires a number of events to occur and numerous systems to be unharmed in a sexually competent guy. A man needs four things to have a successful sexual encounter: A strong desire for his partner (libido) and the ability to divert blood from the iliac artery virtually every man will have a single or isolated sexual failure at some point in his life. Men who fail to maintain an erection during sexual activity more than 75% of the time are classified as “impotent.”


In order for a man to have a healthy erection, his circulatory, nervous, hormonal, and mental systems must all be in sync. An erect penis, a vascular phenomenon, must be achieved and maintained as the first necessary step. Because of the increased pressure caused by the speeding blood, venous outflow from the penile area is effectively blocked. By decreasing venous outflow and increasing intracavernosal blood flow, a man may get and maintain an erection.

Also crucial is the presence of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide plays a key role in enhancing blood flow and penile engorgement by acting as a local neurotransmitter to relax intracavernosal trabeculae. When the vasodilation caused by nitric oxide wears off, the erection weakens or “detumesces.”

Diabetics, smokers, and males with low testosterone levels all have reduced levels of intracavernosal nitric oxide synthase. If the oxygen supply is cut off or nitric oxide production is stifled, intracavernosal blood pressure will not rise to a point where it would obstruct emissary vein outflow, making it impossible to get or maintain an erection. Conditions like diabetes, which are linked to poor nitric oxide synthase activity, may cause problems including reduced blood flow and insufficient intracavernosal oxygen levels.

In order to achieve an erection, the corpora cavernosa must receive neurological information that directs blood flow in a certain direction. Psychogenic erections caused by visual or auditory sexual stimulation send signals down the spinal cord to the T-11 to L-2 area. By stimulating the pelvic vascular bed, nerve impulses may divert blood to the corpora cavernosae. Erections that occur as a result of tactile stimulation to the penis or genital region are the result of a reflex arc involving the sacral roots at S2 and S4. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is when you have those three to four erections per night that you can’t seem to control. Men who are depressed do not have erections at night or first thing in the morning because they do not get REM sleep.

Multiple factors may contribute to ED, however, experts often classify them as either organic or psychogenic. There are many different types of organic causes, and we may classify them as either vascular, traumatic/postsurgical, neurological, endocrine-induced, or drug-induced. Depression, performance anxiety, and interpersonal issues are all symptomatic of underlying psychogenic reasons.


Taking a complete sexual history and doing a full physical exam is the first step in diagnosing ED. Examining the problem’s inception, development, and endurance is crucial. A guy who claims to have “never had any sexual issues until that one night” often has performance anxiety, disaffection, or some other emotional issue at play. An abrupt loss of male sexual function is caused by radical prostatectomy or other obvious injuries to the genital system, although these are the only other known reasons.

Smoking, high blood pressure, substance misuse, trauma, and endocrine issues including hypothyroidism, low testosterone, and hyperprolactinemia should all be highlighted in a thorough medical history. Finally, an evaluation of the patient’s mental history will be useful in determining the presence of any underlying emotional problems, such as interpersonal friction, stage fright, clinical depression, or anxiety.

Autonomic dysfunction is linked to abnormalities in the prostate and sphincter tone, both of which may be assessed with a rectal exam. Evaluation of autonomic function might be aided by a neurological exam of the sacrum and perineum.


There aren’t a ton of easy lab tests that may assist pinpoint the root of organic ED. An HbA1c, free testosterone, thyroid function, and prolactin level should all be part of the first battery of testing.


Initial risk reduction for ED may be achieved by preventative interventions. Patients with ED have benefited from better glycemic and hypertension management, quitting smoking, and cutting down on excessive alcohol use. It’s also beneficial to avoid or replace any drugs that might be contributing to your ED.

When treating ED, oral medications like Tadalista 20 are often used initially.

Sildenafil is effective for 56% of diabetic men with ED and 70% of nondiabetic men with ED.

It’s recommended to Take Sildenafil bought from Pillspalace can be taken between two and four hours before sexual activity. Men and women should both know that sexual activity is necessary for medicine to work. Recently, a patient in our clinic said that sildenafil didn’t do anything for him. He sat on his sofa reading a book on tomato growing after taking the tablet, as was subsequently revealed.

Sildenafil should be taken at a starting dosage of 50 mg, with a maximum daily dose of 100 mg. The tablets may be sliced in half using a pill cutter if desired. Patients may simply get the greatest pricing for the $8-10 per tablet cost by doing little comparison shopping online.

Vidalista 20 has side effects that are comparable to those of niacin and other vasodilators, including a heightened risk of headaches, dizziness, and even a skin rash. Some people’s corneas become a bluish colour, giving them the impression that they are wearing very pale blue-tinted sunglasses. This after-effect may last for a few hours. Men using nitrates for coronary heart disease are more likely to have major adverse effects including syncope and myocardial infarction. Because a reduction in preload and afterload in cardiac output may worsen the outflow blockage, leading to an unstable hemodynamic condition, sildenafil also has detrimental consequences in persons with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Categories: Mens issues