Can a man Still Ejaculate with Erectile Dysfunction?

Premature ejaculation (PE) and erectile dysfunction (ED) are the two most prevalent male sexual issues, however it is less well recognized that these two sexual dysfunctions commonly occur together.

Possible link between erectile dysfunction and early ejaculation.

If you’re like a lot of guys and you lose your erection during sex, you could become yourself in a vicious cycle of trying to concentrate on the sex to keep it from happening. Ejaculation might be sped quicker due to this increase in sexual arousal. When you try to control your ejaculatory timing by dampening your sexual arousal, you end up losing your erection. As this is happening, you start to feel like an outsider looking in on your sex life and start to become nervous. You aren’t really in the moment, so you’re not appreciating your partner’s body or concentrating on the gratifying feelings that come from being touched by them.

Ejaculating too soon or losing your erection are the two least desirable outcomes of this predicament. It’s understandable if sex becomes something to avoid due to worries about experiencing negative emotions like disappointment, frustration, or shame.

Couples or individuals dealing with both ED and PE and anxiety may feel overwhelmed and confused about where to begin treatment.

When you take care of erectile dysfunction initially, you can usually be certain that you’ll be able to keep your erections for longer. This usually signifies less anxiousness, which is good for avoiding ejaculating too soon.

Aids for impotence and premature ejaculation

Practice making it a habit to chill down

Frequent exercise and the use of so-called “mindfulness methods” may help reduce generalized anxiety. You may learn to concentrate and relax with the aid of short and easy breathing exercises by using one of the numerous online resources or mobile applications available today. When you’re not tense, you may enjoy yourself more and avoid ejaculating prematurely or worrying about your erection.

Practice getting and losing your manhood.

For those suffering from erectile dysfunction, it might be helpful to practice attaining and maintaining an erection, then letting the penis go flaccid (with or without a partner), so that you become acclimated to the concept that erections come, go, and come back again with the correct state of mind and stimulus. Furthermore, it might be beneficial to spend more time getting to know your flaccid penis; it is not the enemy and can provide you and your lover with pleasure.

Trying out some new erection rings

An erection ring is a cylindrical piece of elastic plastic that is worn at the penile base to assist keep an erection going strong. Wearing them during sexual activity is restricted to a short window of time.

Exercises for the pelvic floor

Ejaculatory control and erection improvement may be aided by pelvic floor exercises. They may be squeezed and relaxed in the same motion if you imagine you are trying to contain wind or pee. Repeat this many times a day, first as fast flicks and then more slowly by holding for 10 seconds and relaxing for 4 seconds.

Note: that you should not hold your breath or squeeze your buttocks, thighs, or stomach muscles when doing pelvic floor movements.

Exercise stop-and-start method

You may improve your performance in PE by practising stopping and starting your arousal to better understand your personal arousal process and predict when you will ejaculate. Eventually, with plenty of practice, you’ll be able to regulate your level of arousal and ejaculate with more assurance.


If your partner’s excitement is low, it may be difficult to ejaculate fast after penetration. Try stimulating them to raise their arousal level.

Come out of your shell and communicate

If you’re already in a relationship, talk things over with your significant other. Some married couples may be surprised to learn that open communication about sexual and other marital concerns is beneficial. Specialist psychosexual and relationship therapy is an option to explore if you feel you need more assistance.

Medication for erectile dysfunction

Viagra and Cialis are examples of PDE5 inhibitors, which are a class of medications.

Drugs used to treat PE

To treat PE, doctors prescribe medications like Priligy (Dapoxetine), which increase serotonin and so delay the chemical events that trigger ejaculation, potentially doubling or tripling the amount of time it takes for you to ejaculate. Come to our PE clinic for expert guidance and guidance on PE medication.

Super-P Force Oral Jelly: What Is It?

Enhanced with a new recipe, Super P-Force Oral Jelly treats erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation in males. Both of these ingredients are responsible for the medication’s effects: The recommended dosage is one tablet of Dapoxetine 60 mg and one tablet of Sildenafil Citrate 100 mg. Jelly version of the combo drug is called Super P-Force.

The combo medication Super P-Force Oral Jelly. It contains the PDE5 inhibitor sildenafil, the first medicine ever developed to treat erectile dysfunction. Viagra, the original brand name, is the one that has made it famous. Dapoxetine, another ingredient in Super P-Force Oral Jelly, is the first medicine ever to be licensed for treating premature ejaculation. Taking these two medications together is an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction and early ejaculation.

Super-P Force Oral Jelly: How to Take It?

If you want to increase your sexual performance, take Super P-Force Oral Jelly 45 minutes before you go naked. One sachet of Super P-Force jelly should be taken as needed, preferably between 1 and 3 hours before sexual activity. Only one sachet should be taken per day. The duration of action is around four to six hours after ingestion.

How much Super-P Force Oral Jelly should I take?

If you need advice on how much to take, see a medical professional. In only 30 minutes after ingestion, your body’s digestive enzymes will have absorbed the Super P-Force Oral Jelly solution.

When using Super-P Force Oral Jelly, what safety measures should you take?

Super P-Force is a medicine developed specifically for men with erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculations. Because of the increased risk of fatal bleeding, this medicine is not recommended for female patients.

Take caution before using Super-P force Oral Jelly in conjunction with any other therapy for erectile dysfunction. Please let your doctor know if you are using Super-P force Oral Jelly if he prescribes you any additional medication.

It’s possible that Super P-Force Oral Jelly or Prejac 60mg may slow your mental or physical reflexes. Your blood pressure might decrease if you take Super P-Force Oral Jelly.

Avoid using Super P-Force Oral Jelly if you are already on a nitrate medication.

It is strongly recommended that Super P-Force Oral Jelly available on Pillspalace not be used in conjunction with any other alcoholic beverages or tobacco products due to the potential for adverse interactions. In addition, eating a lot of fatty meals before or after taking Super P-Force Oral Jelly might lessen the effectiveness of the supplement.

Keep in mind that there are various forms of sexual stimulation outside penetration that may provide just as much, if not more, pleasure.

They might be physiological or psychological, and a doctor’s visit could be essential to rule out more serious causes.

Categories: Mens issues