Can High Testosterone Cause Infertility in Males?

Testosterone, a sex hormone, is the most significant role player within the reproductive system of men. It is related to the sexual health of men and is no new news, but what people do not know is that the way it all functions isn’t that straight line. They play important responsibilities like primary and secondary development of sex characteristics, including reproductive organs, voice pitch, etc. They also help in sperm production and having the best sex drive, but what happens when the level of testosterone increases in the body? To answer it simply, increased testosterone cause infertility in males there is the availability of medications like Fildena 100. Not directly but indirectly.

To explain the above-mentioned points, this article has accumulated some important information. You can use it to your best and try to avoid any chance or ways which can lead you towards your unwanted troubles.

Testosterone- What is it? How is it Connected to Male Fertility?

Testosterone is the hormone. It gets produced through testes of the men. It helps a lot within developing of muscles and bones apart from the sex organs (prostate and the penis) and hair growth. With the correct amount in the body, it is responsible for the overall sexual functioning and well-being of a man.

Like said above, testosterone is helpful in the developing properly testes and also the full development of the penis. It also helps in muscle strength and size, bone mass, RBC production, and much more. It is because of it that the development of primary/secondary sexual features in men is built, and this is why it becomes important to keep track of the level of testosterone within the body.

How is Testosterone Related to Fertility in Males?

Both the primary and the secondary characteristics that are related to the sexual features in male is developed through testosterone. Now, the level of it within the body could be high or low, and it can be one cause of infertility in men.

The level of testosterone can get easily checked through a simple blood test. Some indirect tests that can help one check the production of testosterone and the adequacy of it in the body are karyotyping, bone densitometry, etc. With the help of the correct diagnosis and a fully covered treatment that can be provided at a time that isn’t too late for men, it will help increase the possibility of conception.

In case there are any issues related to erectile dysfunction caused due to testosterone, there is the availability of medications like Fildena 100 or Fildena 200mg. It can be easily bought through All you need is the prescription.

Can Testosterone Actually Cause Infertility?

If your question is, can testosterone cause infertility in males, you must know one of the side effects related to the treatment men takes for increasing the hormone within the body. It also decreases the production of sperm by decreasing the level of some other helpful hormones, like FSH, that remain important to stimulate the production of the sperm.

There are varied cases wherein infertility caused by ongoing treatment can be treated. It can be simply reversed. You can even reduce the erectile dysfunction issue, at least temporarily, with the purchase of erectile dysfunction bought through or any other website of your choice.

In general, treatment wouldn’t be needed if a man takes short treatment for testosterone. They recover quickly, but there is a small %age wherein reversing the condition isn’t possible.

Of course, you can increase your body’s testosterone through pellets and shots. However, remember that these are the most dangerous compared to the gel. But mistake it not. Any supplement for the testosterone dose will easily disrupt the hormonal balance within your body, and it will affect the production of sperm too.

Higher Testosterone can cause Infertility?

There is some misconception that a higher level of testosterone within the body can cause increased infertility but guess what? It isn’t true. It can just cause hypergonadism, the side effects of which are lower sperm count, impotence or erectile dysfunction, higher blood pressure, and many more issues. Always remember, there is a required balance between hormones to ensure better functioning of any system. The same is the case here.

As said above, a high amount of testosterone would never be able to cause male infertility. It is actually an important hormone for having the best reproductive health in men. It plays specific yet important role in sperm production too. But there exist some conditions/factors which are related to the increased level of your in the body. It can be a huge reason for infertility. So, if have a even a little bit of curiosity or interest, try to keep reading to learn further about it.

Visit site:- What are some ayurvedic ways to boost testosterone?

Sperm Production Suppression

In certain cases, the level of high testosterone can just suppress sperm production within the testes. It is caused when high testosterone gives a signal to the body to decrease LH and FSH production. These are hormones necessary for sperm’s production. With no adequate level of it, there is an impairment in sperm production, and this can lead to infertility.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy or TRT

Anyone undergoing TRT for medical reasons will or will not experience sperm production suppression. TRT’s exogenous testosterone can easily signal the body for ensuring the reduction within natural testosterone production. It can even lead within reduced sperm, therefore, leading to infertile men. However, once TRT is stopped, the condition can be reversed.

Imbalance of Other Hormones

Yes, along with the increased level of testosterone, there can be, at times, other hormonal imbalances. One can have elevated levels of prolactin or estrogen. It can lead to disruption of the delicate environment of hormones that remain necessary for the production of sperm and also the functioning of it. When all this happens, it can lead to infertility.

Final Words

Remember that infertility is a very complex thing. There can be any number of reasons behind it. It is not necessary that the high amount of testosterone in the body is the common cause of male infertility. Now, this doesn’t mean you can eliminate its risk but do consider its association with some conditions or any kind of hormonal imbalance which can have a lot of effect on men’s fertility.

If you are concerned, you can connect with any specialized healthcare professionals. You can even reach out to the fertility specialists. They will do their best to properly evaluate the condition, and if needed, will do some tests and will try to offer you the best and most personalized advice along with the treatments. They might even prescribe for ED, a side effect of high testosterone or other hormonal imbalance, some medications like Fildena 100. You can purchase it through, the trusted website for all your medical needs.

Do your best. Do not try to cause harm to your body. If needed, connect with the doctor before you try to self-medicate.

Categories: Mens issues