Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction, or sexual dysfunction, it’s an inability to achieve & maintain the erection that is for time enough to provide a satisfactory sexual experience. To have trouble with erection from time to time, it wouldn’t necessarily mean that it is a cause for any concern, but if the issue is ongoing, it can cause a lot of stress. This situation can even lead to losing one’s self-confidence & contributing to different relationship issues or can just be a sign of any underlying health condition. Whatever the cause, it will be the right decision if you contact a doctor and begin with the necessary treatment. The doctor might recommend medications like Tadalista 20 mg apart from other treatment methods. Make sure to follow it to receive the necessary treatment and have a satisfied sex life.

Erectile dysfunction can occur because of physical causes, psychological concerns, ongoing medication & treatment, or lifestyle factors. In this given article, we focus on discussing psychological causes of erectile dysfunction. If you feel that the cause of the issue is depression, relationship trouble, or stress & anxiety, this article is for you. Continue reading ahead to know more.

Psychological Impotence – Symptoms

ED isn’t just about not being able to have the erection, and it isn’t the same for all. Even the symptoms might vary. Some of such symptoms are,

  • Unable to achieve an erection.
  • Having the erection which isn’t sufficient enough for having penetrative sex or it gets flaccid fast.
  • Not being able to keep up the erection during intercourse.
  • Reduction in sexual desire.

If you are aware of an underlying health issue or any kind of lifestyle influence affecting or causing erectile dysfunction, chances are that it is ED’s psychological cause. Make sure never to leave the condition untreated.

Psychological Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Various causes can contribute to the difficulty of achieving and also maintaining an erection. Some related factors that can contribute to the same are discussed below.

  • Performance Anxiety

Any kind of anxiety related to sexual performance including satisfying the partner or having a fear of being unable to achieve an erection or to maintain it can be the reason for psychological stress. It can interfere with sexual functioning but guess what? It can be cured with Cenforce 100 blue pill you can buy through Pillspalace with a prescription.

  • Depression and Stress

Anything in excess is harmful, and no matter whether the stress is related to relationships or work, or any of the other life factors, it can cause issues in performance and sexual desires. Even more, these disorders and depression can impact sexual functioning and libido.

  • Relationship Concerns

Any problem, including communication issues or unsolved conflicts, or lack of emotional intimacy, can result in sexual difficulty.

  • Self-Esteem and Body Image

If you have lower self-esteem and negative body image, it will impact sexual confidence and will be a leading cause of performance issues. Try to avoid it.

  • Unrealistic Expectations

Any kind of unrealistic expectation related to sexual performance or any kind of misconception regarding sexual functioning can contribute to ED. It can all get influenced because of how sex is portrayed by the media, cultural beliefs, and even the pressure to meet up with the standards.

  • Past Trauma

Be it sexual abuse or past trauma, any such experience can create a long-lasting impact on sexual functioning. PTSD and any kind of psychological stress must therefore be avoided.

Remember that psychological factors can, at times, interact with erectile dysfunction’s physical causes. In case If you have been experiencing any kind of persistent difficulty in erection, it is there for advisable to consult a doctor who will be able to assess and then address the situation. If needed, they will even provide Vidalista black 80 mg as part of the medication. Make sure to take the medication 1 hour before initiating any sexual activity to receive the benefit through the same.

Psychological ED- Treatment

In general, medications aren’t the first treatment for psychological ED. It does not always provide simple and quick fixes in specific to the psychological causes. So, it is possible that you will have to take a combination of life changes, therapy, time, and even medication. But remember, it is a treatable condition.

When beginning the treatment, you can always try the below-mentioned.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Theory

CBT helps in managing problems. It does so by changing how a person thinks about a particular thing and their behavior. It is one of the therapeutic approaches which is quite effective for managing ED. To be able to understand oneself, one’s thought pattern and response can help resolve many concerns.

  • Relaxation Techniques

Psychological factors can cause erectile dysfunction. It can either be through depression, stress or increased anxiety. If you are suffering from any such concern, relaxing will always help. You can even do meditation, diaphragmatic breathing, and mindfulness to bring in positivity and relieve stress while continuing to boost your mental health. To use it with CBT is considered as one of the best options.

  • Relationship Counselling

If the problem is a relationship issue, it is quite likely that it will not resolve on its own, and therefore, talking with the counselor and involving the partner to know the concern can help. It will be a huge process for overcoming the crucial part of a journey and, therefore, will help create a satisfying sexual relationship with one’s partner.

  • Changes in Lifestyle

Stopping the overuse of alcohol, substance abuse, smoking, and poor diet can help a lot. Along with the same, you can try to include regular exercises, a healthy diet, and healthy weight maintenance, which can all positively impact the symptoms of ED.

  • Medication

Many ED medications are available for dealing with physiological problems, including vascular damage or high blood pressure. These are PDE 5 inhibitors that block the PDE enzyme found within the blood vessel walls. By blocking the enzyme action, medications like Cenforce 100 blue pill help maintain the adequate amount of blood flow within the penis, which helps maintain the erection after achieving the same.

  • Sildenafil
  • Vardenafil
  • Avanafil
  • Tadalafil is all some of the medications that are helpful in treating ED. You can purchase it through Pillspalace and get it home-delivered to your doorsteps.

Contacting Medical Practitioner- When to do it?

In case you have been experiencing the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, and you are unable to know the cause for the same, it is advised to contact the Healthcare practitioner. It might be possible that there is a certain psychological cause that needs identification and immediate addressing.

The Healthcare practitioner will be able to find any therapist who is specialized in sex and relationship. Talking with them can truly help to get rid of the concerns of the partner or yourself.

In case if you are willing to try it and are open to discussions, it is better to discuss the treatment options, but only after the root cause of the concern has been determined. Call your doctor and talk to them about the medication. Begin the needful treatment as soon as possible to be able to enjoy life and have an amazing sexual experience ahead.

Read More: Can a Man with Erectile Dysfunction Satisfy a Woman?

Categories: Mens issues