What factors cause the loss of leg muscle control

What factors cause the loss of leg muscle control?

Are you experiencing the same weak legs? Leg weakness can be caused by a variety of causes in severity, therefore it’s essential to keep an eye on your symptoms and speak to your physician. Find out more about the possible causes of why the loss of muscle control in legs happens, as well as questions your doctor might inquire about your condition.

There are a variety of possible causes for leg weakness and weakness in the legs, such as medical ailments that affect the entire body, or issues that can affect nerves or the nervous system. Although certain causes of leg weakness could be serious, and some may be treated by surgery or medication but any cause of weakness requires medical assessment. Sudden weakness in your leg could indicate an illness that requires medical attention and you must seek immediate medical attention in order to identify the cause and the most effective course of treatment.

Common signs of weakness in both legs

The cause of weakness in both legs could depend on the cause.

• Symmetric: The legs feel weak equally.

• Asymmetric: It means that one of the legs is weaker than the opposite.

• Slowly (chronic): This signifies that the weakness grew worse as time went by.

• Sudden-onset (acute): If you have noticed a sudden weakness in either or both of your legs, it might be a sign of a health emergency.

Leg Trauma

A traumatizing injury to the pelvic region may cause leg weakness. It may be caused by damaged nerves, muscles, or joints.

Usually, an injury that is serious can cause a lot of discomfort. However, if you suffer from significant injuries to your spine, or spinal nerve may not be able to feel it. Always seek immediate medical attention for any injury that prevents you from walking.

In this instance, the reason for leg weakness should be fairly evident. The only exception is if an injury or medical issue causes you to fall and injure yourself.

The main focus of treatment is to fix the injury. There may be physical therapy to strengthen your leg once it has healed.

Disk herniated

The term “herniated disk” refers to a herniated disc is when a disk in the spine is damaged, putting pressure on the spinal cord and adjacent nerves. It can result in nerve irritation which leads to:

• Weakness in both legs

• Feet or legs tingling or numbness

•  Pain shooting through one leg

 However, one should visit a doctor to find out the reason and get any needed treatments.

It is recommended that a patient visit the emergency room in case they experience a loss of bladder or bowel control, or if they experience other symptoms that are severe due to herniated disk.

Medication side effects

Below are some of the treatments and medications that could cause leg weakness by weakening the muscles of your legs.

•  Statins and cholesterol-reducing medicines like statins

• Certain types of chemotherapy to treat cancer or autoimmune disorders

•  Anti-inflammatory medicines such as steroids

This list is not medical advice and could not accurately reflect what you’re dealing with.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

DVT is a frequent issue among seniors who are getting older. It is a sign of the presence of a blood clot in the leg, most often on the lower leg. The blood clot forms around the clot but does not go back to your heart in the way it is supposed to. DVT could be fatal when the blood clot splits off and moves to the lungs or heart. If you suffer from DVT and you suffer from it, you could suffer from cramping and swelling leg. The color of your skin around the clot might change to pale or red. The skin on the leg might also feel warm to the sensation.


Certain toxins may cause weakness in the legs. This includes: 18

•  Lead poisoning

• Chemotherapy drugs

• Statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs)

• Steroidal drugs

• Antivirals

• Alcohol

The weakness is likely to be quite sudden and occur throughout both legs.

If you notice a sudden feeling of weakness after taking an unprescribed medication, inform your physician immediately. It could be a sign of toxicity.


Muscle diseases are known as myopathies. This disease is mainly categorized on the basis of the weakness of legs, arms, feet or hands.

Myopathies include:

• Polymyositis

• Lyme disease

• Thyroid or parathyroid disorder

• Inflammatory diseases like Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis

• Amyloidosis

• Muscular dystrophy

Certain of them are genetic. Others develop during your lifetime. They may affect either leg or one of them.

Myopathy Symptoms usually begin slowly and increase as time passes. The more rapid-moving symptoms can get more severe within a few days or weeks after the beginning.

 Treatments may include supportive braces or physical therapy as well as medication.

Myasthenia gravis

Myasthenia Gravis is an immune disease where the body’s antibodies target and kill receptors within muscles that get nerve signals. This causes the gradual weakening of muscles and fatigue.

Based on the National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD) Myasthenia Gravis is extremely rare, affecting anywhere from 40 % of the population within the United States.

Myasthenia gravis sufferers may feel muscle weakness in the following regions in the human body.

• Eyes

• face

• Neck

• Arms

• Legs

Usually, people feel less able to move their muscles but is able to feel better when they are able to rest for a while. The signs of weakness usually appear gradually, instead of suddenly. Other signs may include:

  • Blurred vision, or double vision
  • Difficulties swallowing or difficulty speaking
  • Difficulties walking
  • Difficult getting objects lifted

Myasthenia Gravis requires medical treatment. If you experience symptoms of this disorder should consult your physician. If you feel you have leg weakness and aren’t sure about the root of the problem, talk to your physician. A doctor can perform specific diagnostic and clinical tests to determine the root causes of the weakness in your leg and develop an effective treatment strategy.

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